Tuesday, March 3, 2009

MR. BACON francis BITTs

bacon bits are nasty
its only good when it comes in strips in a sandwich or a burger or for breakfast but that salad toppin crapp is juss gross


dis dudee.................................................

Francis Bacon provided the world with the scientific method. His heavy belief in experimentation and observation led to his scientific knowledge. Francis Bacon was not interested in scholasticism which had dominated the European education in universities at the time. These students of scholasticism would spend their time just pondering about works of Aristotle and making syllogistic arguments. They would not put much effort into observing the world around.
Due to this, Francis Bacon writes his book, New Organon. In the New Organon, Francis Bacon writes of the scientific method which differs from the old method of Aristotle containing logic and syllogism. He wants to change Aristotle's deductive logic to his own, inductive reasoning. He names four idols which can change the minds of scientists who will likely use Bacon's method. These idols are tendencies and defects of the mind that prevent it from developing a true understanding of nature.

yo, here are the four idolssssssssssssssssss

  • idols of the tribe are certain characteristics that everyone shares. These usually contain the tendency of our senses to deceive us about what is really there, our inclination to wishful thinking, and our hasty generalizing tendencies before a careful investigative work has been done.

  • idols of the cave are conceptions or doctrines which vary from person to person and are usually result of preconditioned system of every individual, comprising education, custom, or accidental or contingent experiences.

  • idols of the marketplace are false conceptions which arise from interactions between men, usually through language. The tendency to use language too casually and imprecisely can cause problems in inductive reasoning

  • idols of the theatre are prejudices from received or traditional philosophical systems. The theories and dogmas by which we are already familiar with can possibly lead us away from investigating for the truth.

Monday, March 2, 2009


dissss guy despite his oh so wonderful astronimical achievements blahblahblah

and the way he figured out to look at the sun was genius...

he was completely helpless without his daughter

Maria Celeste had helped him survive throughout his older years. She had taken care of him when they were living in Florence. When Galileo got sick she was at his aid 24/7. Maria was watching out for her father's well-being and i presume was a very patient woman.

Maria had also given her father advice when he had gone to the Inquisition. She gave him insight for trial and how to keep his mouth shut and follow the church's orders.

She also became his personal editor for his publishings. She motivated his writings and corrected and edited his manuscript, cutting and preparing it in confidence. She has helped Galileo in so many ways that Galileo was able to publish the Dialogo.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mister ST. THOMAS aquinas' five wayssss

dis dude was also a G.

he tries to prove god exists and i agree with it but through FAITHHH!

it could alll be argued against, i know but ya'll are just haters yadigg?

St. Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican priest, theologian, and philosopher who believed reason should be embraced by Christianity. Aquinas showed how reason was not an enemy to faith, so he developed rational arguments for the existence of God. instead of seeing reason as an opposition to faith, as it was during the Middle Ages, Aquinas brings reason back into focus and teaches how to embrace it in order to prove Christian faith.

he brings five ways to prove the existance of god..that's cool and all but they could all be debated against..but only can they be true through FAITH.

okay so third way: contingent and necessary objects

this is the most unreasonable to me...

it concludes with four statements
1. contingent beings are caused.
2. not every being can be contingent.
3. there must exist a being which is necessary to cause contingent beings.
4. this necessary being is god.

i would argue with this by: If we did not exist, does god not exist?

this is a problem because if we stopped existing then wouldn't the existing being which causes the contingent beings to exist have no purpose to exist at all? this being GOD.
god would not exist if we did not, which is what i am basically stating.

now the fourth way: the argument from degrees and perfection

St. Aquinas states how there should be a greater degree of beauty and perfection between the two.

simply i will say:

Everyone has a different view of beauty. We are made that way by human nature.

if i did not believe god was beautiful now, is he still god??

hm. if i did not believe he was a myriad of rich humanly characteristics den how could he still be god...

St. Aquinas stated There must be a perfect standard by which all such qualities are measured. these perfections are contained in god.

are they really? cuz what if i said theyre not?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Connections between St. Augustine and the Crusades

St. Augustine was a G

he robbed his neighbors pears for fun and slept with women for fun

TONNNN of women
but then settled down with one soon after
and had crazy sex with her....as so i was told according to mr basinger's packet


Mr. St. Augustine presented the Just War theory and believed that war was a sin but at the same time there was no way to avoid it completely. He believed that since war was inevitable, that they should make the best out of it when it happens, which is to achieve peace at the end. Here are his seven principles of his Just War theory:

1. Last resort-war is initiated after all non-violence propositions have been used.
2. Initiated by the government or higher power-war is only just if an authoritative figure approves that it is justified.
3. Chance of success-war can only be fought if there is a chance at success.
4. Right intentions-the only objective of war is to solve a problem or for self defense.
5. Re-establish peace-war should improve peace that existed before the war or would exist if the war hadn't occurred.
6. Proportionality-during war one should use the minimum a mount of force to obtain the objective/violence used in war must be proportional to the injury suffered.
7. Don't attack civilians-civilians are never the target of war and all measures to avoid killing them should be used.

St. Augustine justified that war could bring peace. This theory was not always obeyed even though it made of sense. The Crusades justified their war similar to what St. Augustine had taught about re-establishing peace.

The Crusaders justification of war was to take the Holy Land, Jerusalem at the time from the Muslims. They believed that it did not belong to them and that it should remain under the Church's power.They believed they had a high chance of success for them because they believed that God was on their side and he would wipe out the non-believers. They also said that the Muslims attacked them first because they took the Holy Land from them. Trying to take their land back, they caused thousands of deaths in an attempt for peace.

Hitler, a Common Fallacy

aite so Adolfo HItler is the craziest author of this craziest book he writes while in jail

how did he have time to write all of this?
i thought jail was like..no pen no pencil juss workout eat and get beatup or raped..(soap)

somehow hitler found time to write this book probly during the nighttime where he uses moonlight to see what he was writing hahahah


theres a crapload of ddong in it
check dis out..............................

One of Hitler's fallacies is Begging the Question, when he claims that people of Aryan roots are the superior race. Begging the question is to assume that the argument is already proven when it hasn't. He stated that Aryans are more genetically advantaged, and are basically better than all other races in every way possible. Hitler has no proof for his claim, which marks it as a Hasty Generalization as well. Hitler also says that if a person of a higher race reproduces with a person of a lower race, then the child will be in between those levels of genetic greatness. This is a Hasty Generalization because he has absolutely no valid basis for such a statement. Could a child's status really be based upon its parent's status? hm.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Inteligent Design vs. Evolution

God has made us through science and evolution...as the Muslims believe that science is God's language according to mr. demail. they are right in a sense that god's creation is scientific and detailed. the fact that evolution is debated to be right and creation wrong is totally appalling. the so called "facts" from what scientists have gathered are not 100% provenly accurate. thye do not know exactly how the universe began or how old it is. that is physically almost impoosible to tell. there is an explanantion for it and also lots of unanswered questions.
i see that god has created us through the scientific knowledge of evolution. evolution is god's creation.. also the fact that the big bang had happened outa nowhere is somewhat true.. god could have made a huge big bang and then formed the universe on the first day.. he is omnipotent and all powerful.


barack obama is proof that anyone can achieve anything. you just have to work hard and want it more than anyone else. if you want something that bad and work for it you will eventually get there. however the fact that certain situations like job interviews have their own intake on this, that employers would already assume if the person qualifies by his appearance or race shows us how society is not fully giving in to this affirmative action. as it slowly comes across job employer's minds race will eventually be overpowered by the matter of physical qualification and if the person can get the job done quickly and efficiently as possible. our new president was juss a huge gap that filled the american mindset, that an african american before even women could become one of the greatest achievements known to the world president of the U.S. he has now opened more people's eyes into seeing that race is not much of a difference when it comes to jobs or even schooling.
the fact that certain races could qualify because of what they look like for scholarships is wrong. if statitistics show that more asian children are smarter than african american children then that is just another example of racism even if its true...not allllll asians are brilliant. some blacks are brilliant as well..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Equality = Beige Americans Who Eat (rice?)

if there were some unmeasurable and undefiable power that could change america and create a new world into believing equality is now the main suspect, thennn.............

i believe two things

1.) Everyone would be beige.. The skin color of everyone in america would be a very pretty tan. (no omo) This would be imminant simply because we humans must reproduce by the masses. this means that all the black colored people, white colored people, asian colored people, etc. will eventually see past their colorful boundaries and break the wall that disconnects them from "hooking up" with each other. well in reality this does happen, but not to the point where everyone is intermixing. society still has that mindset where asians sleep with other asians african-americans sleep with other african-americans whites sleep with other white and so on and so on. if Equality was not the issue anymore then america would start mixing. it would be that everyone would look the same or similar and no one would ahve anything racist to say. racial slurs would cease and kids will grow up without the problem of having that invisible forcefield that isolates you from the rest of everyone else who does not look like you. therefore, equality would change america that way...

2.) Certain American resources would be sucked dry.. everyone who is now equal and now have no such mindset of dealing with different resources. for example, asian people prefer more seafood than other races simply b/c it is there culture from asia. other races consider eaating chicken everyday while others consider rice... this sort of conflict would draw attention to the world quickly because if everyone was beige and similar then they wouldd allll want the same thing. they would share common interests. for example, maybe all the rice would be eaten up if thats what the new society likes. There would be an unbalance in the show if everyone liked a certain food. The other resources people would use that no one else would use would go extinct. people would not farm raise and preserve certain foods or plants if no one is using them. in this world of equality there would be a high amount of maybe only a handful of crops and an excrutiatingly mass amount of it. instead the myriad of crops we have in america today will be no more..

p.s. since in my opinion asian food is healthy and tastes hecka lot better dan other foods i think rice would be one of the top crops left :D and that means that stupid stereotype ive heard a batrillion times growing up bout asian people and their 3 meals of rice a day and dats all they eat..blahblah that rice only comes from asian rice cookers..well it wouldnt exist anymore :p

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

PAULEE'S philosophicalynessterdiest[=

discussed deductive reasoning..

there are three types of deductive logic which are Syllogisms, Modus Ponens, and Modus Tollens.

A Syllogism is a type of deductive reasoning where a major premise (which contains A term and B term) and minor premise (which contains B term and C term) combine to make a conclusion (which contains A term and C term).

here is an example:

Hip-hop singers beat up their girlfriend.
Chris Brown is a hip-hop singer.
Chris Brown beats up his girlfriend.

A Modus Ponens is a deductive reasoning where a "if p, then q" statement is given and "p" is given as a positive premise, so that we may be sure of the positive premise of "q".

here is a simple example:

If Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals, then he will get caught smoking marijuana.
Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals.
Therefore, Michael Phelps did get caught smoking marijuana.

A Modus Tollens is a deductive reasoning where "if p, then q" statement is given and "q" is given as a negative premise, so that we may be sure of the negative premise of "p"

here is another simple example:

If michael jackson stayed away from little boys, then he would perform more shows.
Michael Jackson did not perform more shows.
Therefore, Michael Jackson did not stay away from little boys.